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Tim's Blog - Committee Meeting 31.05.16

by Tim Wright - 17:35 on 02 June 2016

Dear Members,

Ten of your U3A Committee met this afternoon at Westbank, St Ola.

Among the items discussed were:

1. General Meeting Speakers 

A list of potential speakers for next year's General Meetings were put forward and I will start contacting them after the Summer. However, if there are any members who would like to speak next year or have contact with someone who would be prepared to speak, please let myself or Fiona know.

2. Membership

So far 75 members have renewed their membership. Final reminders will be sent out very soon. After that the Group Leaders will be told who in their groups have not paid and their continued membership of the groups will cease. So if you wish to continue to attend U3A activities, please pay promptly.

3. Orkney U3A Website

This is undergoing under a revamp with new information on it. The blogs and the latest information can be seen on the Orkney Communities Website under Orkney U3A. http://www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/U3A  Old photos are about to be replaced and there is a request for new photos of the groups in action. Group Leaders are asked to check their Group descriptions and information and update them via Sally and David on the Website Team.

4. Publicity Officer


We are keen to get reviews of the General Meetings in The Orcadian. It was felt too much to ask one person to do this every time. As a result, we want to start a group of 5 reviewers who will write a review of the General Meetings, a maximum of twice a year. The review will then be sent to the Secretary for transmission to The Orcadian and to go on the Website. As Kate discovered, not all reviews get published in the Orcadian but if we don't send them in we miss a good bit of publicity for our U3A. If you are prepared to do a couple of reviews a year to help out, please let Fiona or myself know. A list will be drawn up and the work shared out evenly.

5. Group exchange with Gairloch /Wester Ross U3A

Linda Howarth of Wester Ross U3A, based in Gairloch, has been in contact with a proposal for an Exchange visit with us in Orkney. This would be next year in the Spring/Summer months. She has a dozen members interested. The idea would for them to be hosted by various of our members for 3 days or so, in Orkney, while receiving a similar number of days with them being hosted over on the West Coast. She, and they, are very keen and I am sure a few days with them would give a very interesting local view of their area. If you are interested, please let me know and I can include you, so we can start to work out if there is enough support for this exciting opportunity. It seems like an ideal trip for the Photographic, Bird and Botany groups but even if you are not in these groups please let me know if you want to come too.

6. Next Committee Meeting will be on Tuesday 18th October at 2pm at Westbank, St Ola.

All the best,



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