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Photo Group One - Feb 2016

by Tim Wright - 18:41 on 24 February 2016

Eleven of us braved the forecast snow and ice and made it to Herston in lovely sunshine but chilly winds. The old wrecked and moldering wooden boats provided lots of photo opportunities as did the decaying Hiker's Hostel complete with a covering of Ivy. We looked through the windows of the old Skerries Supply shed and lots of old fashioned life jackets were visible. A wander along the front was cut short by a sudden snow shower. Then off to Hoxa just in time to see a fully laden tanker being herded out by a couple of tugs and a pilot boat.

Lunch was taken at the Sands Hotel and the "Transport" photos were perused. An amazing variety of transport was on display from old and new bicycles, motorbikes with two and three wheels, cars old and new, horses and, traps, planes modern and ancient, boats recent and much missed (St Ola ), trains and trams; but I did like the punts on the river going in all sorts of directions. Thank you to all who took part in this excellent exercise of ingenuity.

The next meeting is at Warbeth, meeting at the cemetery at 11 am on Wednesday 23rd March with the intention of going to the beach and where ever else we want to wander Lunch will probably be taken at The Standing Stones about 12.30 or so.

The project for the month is "Emergence/New Life" showing flowers, lambs, babies and anything else you can think of that might fit the theme.

Keep clicking, Tim.

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