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Music Appreciation Group - June 2015

by Angela Way - 16:21 on 05 June 2015

The latest U3A music group meeting was held on monday the 1st of this month-( we meet  on the first monday of each month)
and our theme was "Sun ,moon and stars"-and we found the moon was the most popular choice!
as usual ,we listened to a very interesting selection-some new to us-some old favourites-
Here is a selection of the list-
Song to the moon-Dvorak-
Stardust-Hoagy Carmichael-
My Evening Star-
Two Sunsts-Einaldi-
Sisters Greeting-Schubert-
Alexander Balus-Handel-
Sancta Civitas-Vaughn Williams
Song to the moon-Mikado-
Claire de Lune-played on the Winchester Cathedral Organ-
Mercury -the Planets-Holst-
Moonriver-Andy Williams-
Sunrise,Sunset-Fiddler on the Roof-
We finished with Susan( our hostess ),playing Starry nights in Shetland-no recording this time-but "live "!
Added bonus-
Home bakes and coffee in the interval were enjoyed-
when we decided our next theme will be"Memory"-
The first Monday of July at the Leas-

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