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by Tim Wright - 08:45 on 12 March 2015
Eleven of us eventually got to Barbara's house to warm up after a very windy trip to Gurness. The wind was gusting 55knots while we ventured in and around the Broch. At least, the rain held off but there will be a lot of camera shake on the photos this time. Our two new members, Tom Nimmo and Rosie Whittles found that nothing much stops us except heavy rain! Well done to those who braved the elements .
To make it even warmer, Tim showed a few photos of Walking in The Azores. Amongst the pictures were two of Beryl Matthews' daughter's boat montage in Horta plus quite a few of what happens when a Volcano erupts next to your local Lighthouse.
Barbara then gave us a very nice light lunch(?) which fattened up a few of us no end! Thank you very much for that Barbara. I just wonder what a heavy lunch looks like in your eyes.
"Black and White " photos were perused only, as the last meeting was in Dounby viewing our own work. There were all sorts, with some lovely landscapes, a very interesting gate, three very detailed portraits, a couple of cats and a beautiful grainy Question Mark Cloud from Yvonne. Having been uncertain about this project, everyone had really got their thinking hats on and had put a lot of effort into it. The results showed what is possible and, I hope, introduced another dimension to many of the participants photographic skills. I am thinking we should repeat this exercise maybe on a yearly basis or more often.
In the meantime, the next meeting will be at Coplands Dock in Stromness at 2pm on Wednesday 8th April. Tea will probably be taken afterwards at Julia's Café .
The project this month is "Reflections " so we had better hope for a few quieter days wind wise so as to get the best results outside.
Thanks again to Barbara for her fine hospitality,
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