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Music Appreciation Group

by Angela Way - 18:22 on 07 December 2014

who met 4th dec-at Kincraig -Orpir.
Our theme was "Happy Love"-which some of us-found difficult to locate-nevertheless we had a wonderfully eclectic selection-
I include a few to demonstrate the fact.
Songs of the Auverne,an obsene tavern song-Carmen-"love is a bird",Leon Payne -" I love you cos you understand ,dear".
Angus Findlater-"love songs from the musicals","Love came down at Chrismas" R.Vaughn Williams,Funny face-Fred Astaire.
Schostokovitch-"Romance,"Remember loving you" Carawan,La Boheme,John McCormack -"Amour chaste".
All followed by mince pies and coffee,
Always a relaxing and enjoyable meeting-
Our next is at Kate"s-Queen Sonja Kloss-when the theme will be "Places".
It is fun,we find ,to go through ones collection to find the appropiate disc-sometimes one forgets what one owns!
all welcome to try the group.

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