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Music Appreciation Group

by Allan Way - 15:19 on 25 September 2014

U3A Music Appreciation Group-met on the 26th –september-and out theme was “Dance”.We thought is an interesting selection-We started with Bolero-Ravel-followed by medieval French dances by P retoriousThen some of Ally Bain Scottish dances.Malcolm Arnold next-more Scottish dances-and Tahiti Trot-Shostokovitch.Satie dances-came next and then The 3 cornered Hat-de Falla-followed by a minuet –Haydon-some Cotswold Morris tunes-by a group-Spiers and Boden.Then we listened to a chaconne fron Dido and Aenaes-Purcell. Strauss came nest-the Dance of the 7 veils-and Nat King Cole-Unforgettable.A tea break was then enjoyed with some of Glenys”s delicious home made goodies.To finish ,we listened to-Pavanne by Morton Gould and Shostokovitch-Cheryomushki,and some French Canadian step dances.In addition-Holst-Brook Green suite and a tango by Shostokovitch (again).Our next get together is  30th October-at the O”Sheas in Stromness-when the theme will be-“Love”.

All welcome .

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