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Tim's Blog March 2014

by Tim Wright - 20:18 on 26 March 2014

Dear All,
The new committee met today at Alan Way's house due to his infirmity,
having broken his ankle.
Items discussed were

1 Update of committee members and the Groups and Leaders. These now appear on the Orkney U3A website
2 All group leaders are asked (and should get a reminder from Sally ) to send a list of Members attending their meetings to Sally  .
This is so that the names of those attending can be checked against the Master membership list to see they are on it and have paid their subscription. We are still finding the occasional member that does not appear on the Master list and thus is not officially a member of Orkney U3A.It is important, as they are, therefore, not covered by the U3A insurance scheme, which is of great relevance in the Walking/Bird/photography groups especially  . So, Group Leaders take this in hand as soon as possible.

3 Full banking /Treasurer responsibilities  were passed to Sally Mackintosh, [email protected]
Adress  Breckness ,Stenness ,Orkney
Please send subscriptions to her, payable to Orkney U3A ,before 30th April or pay at the next meeting.

4 There was considerable discussion over publicity for Orkney U3A and our meetings as undertaken by Kate Barrett.She will continue to put reports of our activities into the Orcadian. She is keen to have photos of the groups ,if she is writing about them  and we will try to get photos of our speakers to go with the reports ,if possible. She will also put details of our General Meetings in The Orcadian,The Orkney Advertiser ,in the Library's and on Radio Orkney giving a week's notice as far as possible. Contact details for the Orkney U3A will be the website and Hilary Morrell's email address. Hilary will then invite prospective new members to the General Meetings and also direct them  to the relevant  group leaders for further   information and discussion of their interests.

5 Sally will be sending out flyers that we have received about ,

A . How to access the National  U3A website.

B.  Details of the National U3A Photographic Competition

The next General Meeting is Fran Hollindrake on St Magnus Cathedral  but including areas you may never have been in !  This on 17th April at The Kirkwall Library at 2pm.

All the Best,
Tim Wright

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