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by Richard Thomas - 09:12 on 21 March 2014


20 MARCH 2014

1.  I have stood down from being Chairman at yesterday’s AGM and I just wanted to put a couple of thoughts down in my last blog.

2. The first is to offer Tim Wright every best wish as the new Chairman and of course it goes without saying anything I can do to help, I will do. Doubtless information on the rest of the AGM will be forthcoming in the next couple of days.

3. Then I want to thank the members of the Committee for their support, advice and assistance over my 3 years in office.  They’ve kept me on the straight and narrow by shooting down some of my ideas and helping to build on thoughts of how we might take the U3A forward. We have had numerous Committee meetings all of which have been good humoured, constructive and positive; in other words, a pleasure to chair and to be part of.

4. I should particularly mention Hilary’s work as Secretary in keeping the show on the road and me in line with good practice and process. 

5. I also thank Allan who has stood down as Treasurer and Membership Secretary after holding the office since our launch 6 years’ ago.  It is a tribute to his hard work that our membership has stabilised in the mid 90’s and we have essentially a year’s money on the balance sheet.

6. The AGM went very well and I was delighted to see so many folk there – I thought nearly 50 which is just excellent for a formal meeting although I am sure that the prospect of the music from Ken’s folk band might have had a little to do with the numbers present. On that note, if I might hazard a pun, the band was excellent and I hope that their music will be a permanent feature of the programme in the next years.

7. We have become part of the Orkney network of voluntary groups and societies and it is pleasing to note that our general meetings attract very good attendances and I am sure that next programme of events will maintain this interest.

8. It just remains for me to say that I will be trying to get the Archaeology Group re-started and that I have taken over the Family History Group  from Dave Woodcock and we will be getting together shortly.

Richard Thomas
20 March 2014.

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