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by Tim Wright - 19:11 on 12 March 2014


Eleven of us met today at Barony Mill and what a treat it was too. The machinery going at full blast ,flour all over the place ,the drying kiln red hot and the Miller looking suitably white as he dashed up and down the stairs keeping the  Mill wheels grinding. Endless photographic opportunities all around as well as a beautiful sunny afternoon that made the Mill race sparkle .A great time was had by all.
Tea was taken at the Merkister .The project "Where or What " produced a mass of photos from a cup of cappuccino, a cue end , The Tay Rail Bridge (Intact),potato boxes and the Duke of Sutherland !! Well done to all who contributed .
The next meeting is April 23 rd at 2pm at Happy Valley when we hope the Blue Bells will be out .Thence to the Standing Stones for tea.The project for next meeting is "Spring".
I meant to tell you that I watched a wonderful interview with David Bailey on BBC 4 at 10 .50 pm. on Monday. He was the most natural interviewee that I have seen in a long time and it was funny too as well as seeing  lots of  his photos .Well worth picking up on the I player if you can.
Keep clicking and see you next week on Wednesday at St Magnus Centre for the AGM and serving Tea afterwards.

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