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by Richard Thomas - 09:43 on 26 November 2013


25 NOVEMBER 2013

We had two meetings last week – the Committee met on Wednesday 20th November and we had John Ross Scott at the General Meeting the next day, on the 21st.

The Committee meeting was largely a catch up on events. 

We noted that there was not enough support to run a quiz before Christmas so that is on ice but as I’ve bought the questions, we can always do something on another occasion.

Kate is interested in starting a Writing Group but there was not much interest at the first try of publicising it.  She has had another try via the website and Facebook (I think) and the response has been good.

Our finances remain healthy with a current balance of just under £950.

We are working to pull together next year’s programme.  We have 6 slots filled with four more to settle.  Our aim is to get a balance of interesting talks and presentations with the involvement of U3A members talking to the meetings wherever we can.  All being well, we will have the programme ready for the AGM.

We had a fascinating talk from John Ross Scott on Thursday on how he juggles all his commitments from chairing the health board though editing Living Orkney to his amateur dramatics while still having a family life.  He answered a number of questions including some on what is the burning issue of the day – Where will our new hospital be?  It was greatly appreciated and our thanks go to him for sparing the time for us.

The only other thing I want to mention is that I stand down from the Chair at the AGM and we will need to find someone willing to stand.  The work isn’t arduous – it’s chairing the general meetings and the committee, occasional forays to give talks to interested groups, working in liaison with the Scottish U3A as well as the national body, keeping up links with our neighbours across the Firth and further south.  Apart from the formalities of being Chairman (I eschew the term Chair as I have a mild dislike of being sat upon), the other main activity is pulling the annual programme of events together.  This does require a modicum of imagination, diplomacy and persuasive skills but once the programme is settled that is usually that although sometimes (not often) it does mean undertaking a bit of fast footwork to replace a speaker at short notice.

If anyone is interested please get in touch and at the same time can I remind you all that we are happy for any member to come along to one of our Committee meetings (the number would be limited for obvious reasons) to hear how we conduct our business.

Otherwise our next get together is the Christmas lunch on 12 December in the Kirkwall and I look forward to seeing as many of you as are coming then.

Richard, 25 November 2013.

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