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Chairman'sBlog 18

by Unknown - 17:58 on 29 September 2013



The Committee met on 23 September and although we were few in number we managed to get through a fair bit of business.  The main items covered were:

1. Membership tidied up – we had a number who had not paid their subscription for the current year and following a letter to each had still not responded, so sadly we have removed them from the list.
2. The Quiz is planned for Thursday 5 December in the MacGillivray Room and there will be more publicity nearer the time.  Obviously if there is insufficient interest we will have to cancel it.
3. I am delighted to record that the Asha charity raised £230 at the August meeting.
4. The Christmas meal is booked for 12 December in the Kirkwall Hotel.  To avoid confusion, those wishing drinks will be able to get them and pay for them at the bar and teas and coffees will be included with the meal choice.
5. A first shot at next year’s programme has been drafted so watch this space.  Meantime any ideas and volunteers to talk will be gratefully received
6. There is some interest shown in a Writing Group so if anyone wishes to join or get some further thoughts perhaps they could contact Kate Barrett at the next meeting.

We have a slight glitch in the programme for the next meeting.  John Ross Scott cannot now make it and has been deferred until November so I am currently trying to juggle a replacement.

I have been asked about restarting the Archaeology Group which has been pretty well inactive since I took over as Chairman in 2011.   I did try to find someone else to run the Group at the time but that proved unsuccessful and since then no-one has come forward to take the Group on and I have had too much else to do both as Chairman and personally to devote the time needed to run Archaeology properly. 

I stand down at the next AGM in March 2014 and I am happy to see if we can resume activity in Archaeology.  Obviously if someone is willing to take over I will be more than pleased to step aside.  So with this in mind, would anyone interested in the Archaeology Group, drop me a mail please.  It would be helpful if you indicate days when you are not able to get along to a session – indoors or out – so we can plan accordingly as well as any areas of interest in Archaeology that you have.  Subject to the level of interest I will aim to set up a meeting.

28 September 2013

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