Members, please make submissions to [email protected]
by John Graham - 10:43 on 21 August 2013
In spite of a wet start it turned out to be an excellent snapping day at Lyness. It was the largest turnout for the group yet. I think that the museum cafe did well out of us all during the day; my wife and one of our friends certainly supported it! Anyway we have arranged that the next meeting will be at St. Margaret's Hope, on Tuesday Sept 10th. at 2pm. meeting by the anchor on the quayside. This date is really too close to Tim's group meeting, however I'm trying to fit in with our own holidays
Please bring along a few prints for us to talk about from the trip to Lyness, if your printers are not set up 'en prints from the chemist will do. On that theme don't forget that Sutherlands will do them overnight for less than half the cost of those from Boot's. We plan to have this chat about our pics at the Hoxa cafe, apparently quite good; I haven't been there yet.
Best Wishes
P.S. Further to my note of yesterday, our meeting of Tuesday 10th. September. We are not meeting at an Anchor in St. Margarets Hope we are actually meeting at the ship's propeller!!
Au revoir, John
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