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by Tim Wright - 13:00 on 18 August 2013

As forecast the rain came down in torrents just as we would have been on our way to walk to the Start Point lighthouse. To add to it ,the ferries were rearranged so we wouldn't have been back until 9 pm ! However the Trip to the Boys Ploughing Match was an excellent alternative (Thank you Sal for the suggestion) .When we arrived amidst rain ,the show was just starting in the Community School. The judging of the exotic "Horses" was under way and were they not beautifully rigged out ? Sixteen horses altogether with the youngest aged 3 and what a sweetie she was. The ploughs, which are miniature ,were judged next in both metal and wood versions. Awards were made  and then a parade of  all the participants outside .The rain had stopped and the sun was out and what a  colourful sight it made. Then it was off to the Sands of Wright for the ploughing .A flattened area in the beach was soon full of boys with their miniature ploughs turning furrows with help from fathers and grand fathers. The sea was green ,the sand white and sky blue with a brisk wind giving wonderful photographic opportunities .Who would have thought we came with full rain gear and umbrellas not 2 hours before !


Seven of us then went to the Fossil Centre for tea and cakes. We viewed the Eday photos and some left over from Burwick. Eday photos were of Carrick house and surrounds from the slip to the beautiful gardens. The grave yard had plenty of takers while the Submarine only featured once. Burwick had some photogenic dandelions and a puzzling ruin from Steve .We found it difficult to make head or tail of it.
"Transport "led to all sorts of modes from horse and carriage ,to Canadian War Canoe, to a variety of boats both small ,large and very very large. Well done to all those who took part and came at such short notice to what turned out to be a lovely afternoon out.


The next meeting is Wednesday 11th Sept at 2 pm meeting at the top of Wideford Hill .I will be looking at the forecast again and an alternative will be communicated if there are snow drifts up there by then. After today anything is possible ! Tea will be at Westbank  House with cake too.
This months project is  "Sand /Beach" so see what you can do with that.
Keep clicking,

Photos by Tim Wright

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