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by Richard Thomas - 11:50 on 12 April 2013


12 APRIL 2013

1. We had our first committee meeting on Monday following the AGM.  The main items discussed were:

The need to get an accurate and up to date membership list with all those on e mail properly listed.  This is to enable to communicate as much as possible by e mail and electronically for both speed and ease of feedback.  In addition and equally important it keeps our costs down so we can maintain the membership fees at their present level.

Our finances remain healthy as we are continuing to attract new members.

The possibility of joining VAO was considered and deferred to enable members to think it through before deciding.  The cost is modest and there are advantages in such things as finding room for meetings as well as linking with the rest of the voluntary sector in Orkney. 

The U3A produces diaries and anyone wishing a diary for 2014 should let either Hilary or me know so we can place a bulk order.

For those who like Jazz, there is a national group set up and anyone who might be interested in following suit here should let me know and I can let them have further details.

We are looking to work with the Caithness U3A on joint activities as well as opening up our meetings to each other.

2. We have been contacted by Ernie Skea at the Council about a new sphere of activity for the over 50s called the Discovery Award  It is an achievement Award offering challenges to individuals in the 50+ age range, presenting them with possible new heights to scale. It enables and encourages people to make choices about their own lives and to increase their contribution to life around them. By meeting a range of new personal challenges, as well as some new people - it offers the possibility and bonus of new and lasting friendships.  The Challenge is to discover:
• new strengths and hidden talents
• new interests
• new life in old interests
• to meet new and interesting people
• the satisfaction of doing something for others as well as yourself
• the joy of unexpected achievement
You can find more about it on discoveryawardscotland.co.uk and I will mention it next week at the General Meeting
If you’re interested can you let me know and I will arrange for Ernie to come to a meeting to talk about further.
3. As mentioned above, Dave Woodcock is interested in starting up a Family History Group and we have two interested in joining so if you would like to come in too can you see Dave at the next meeting which is on Thursday 18 April in the MacGillvray Room when Jack MacInnes will be talking about Scott of the Antarctic and I look forward to seeing you there.

Richard Thomas
12 April 2013.

Comment from Kate Barrett at 09:41 on 18 April 2013.
It may interest members to know that I was the one who introduced the Discovery Award to Orkney and was one of two first Gold Medal winners. I'd be happy to talk to anyone interested in following up the idea. I still have my gold medal!

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