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Chairmans Blog 12
by Unknown - 18:00 on 23 March 2013
22 MARCH 2103
The AGM was held yesterday 21 March 2013 with a very good attendance including some new members who braved the formal proceedings to hear a very good talk from Julian Branscombe.
We did mark the sad death of one of our members, Margaret Bell who was active in the photography and archaeology groups as well in a number of other interests in Orkney. She will be missed by all who knew her.
The main part of the business was the usual formal proceedings to approve the new constitution, to consider the annual reports from the Chairman and Treasurer, to hear from group leaders and to elect the officers and members of the committee for the forthcoming year. (Notice I have not succumbed to the americanism of upcoming). The constitution was duly approved and the reports noted and accepted. There are some changes in the composition of the Committee and the new membership is:
Chairman: Richard Thomas
Vice-Chairman: John O’Shea
Secretary: Hilary Morrell
Treasurer: Allan Way
Members: Ken Hambly, Peter Allan, Sally MacKintosh
Group Leaders: As available
Pam Woodcock stood down as Secretary this year and our thanks are due to Pam for keeping the administration on the road and for organising the Christmas lunch.
The new Committee will be meeting shortly to start to get the show on the road and to move ourselves forward.
Julian Branscombe with his new hat within the RSPB came to talk about wildlife in Orkney through the seasons and in particular the very exciting programme for the Orkney Nature Festival which can be found on the webpage. On that note, can I encourage you all to use both the website ( and the Facebook pages as a prime reference point for what we are doing and for up to date information.
Can I also repeat what I said last time about new activities and possible new groups. We are keen to meet what you the members wish to do and I will emphasise that suggesting a new group does not mean your arm will be twisted to run it f you don’t want to. I did have a look through the smaller Scottish U3As to get an idea of what their groups covered and these are the main areas:
Cultural activities
Classical cultures
Current affairs
Family History – genealogy
Languages - French, Italian, German, Spanish, Gaelic (Skye)
Poetry reading
Natural history
Gardening and horticulture
If you are interested in family history we already have a volunteer to lead such a group so don’t be inhibited about coming forward to join.
Otherwise that’s all for now and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on 18 April in the MacGillvray room when Jack MacInnes will be talking on Scott and the Antarctic.
Richard Thomas
22 March 2013
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