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Chairmans Blog 8

by Unknown - 18:38 on 16 December 2012


16 DECEMBER 2012

This, you’ll doubtless be relieved to learn, is going to be short.  It’s simply to wish all the U3A members a Happy Christmas and a good New Year.  I did say a few words at the Christmas lunch on Thursday and here I must repeat for the record, on behalf of those present our thanks and appreciation for Pam’s hard work in getting it organised.  I think the Kirkwall did us pretty well and the company was grand too.

There is a little bit of U3A shop – Diana Preston’s play readers are back in business and they have an Alan Bennett play on the stocks.  If we can, I would like to fit in an extra meeting in early February so that we can have the chance of hearing what they’ve done.  Watch this space.

The programme for next year is taking shape and indeed I think we may have more ideas for talks and activities than spaces to fill.  We plan to publish the programme at the AGM on 21 March when we will be electing a new Committee and officers and considering the constitution.

Otherwise at the risk of repeating myself the compliments of the season to you all and see you at the next general meeting in January when Alison Gunn from the CAB is coming to talk about the work of the bureau.


Richard Thomas
16 December 2012

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