Members, please make submissions to [email protected]
by Tim Wright - 23:20 on 27 June 2012
Eight of us met at Hilary's today and after coffee made our way around the churches in Andrea's parish.The rain kept off until we had had lunch but lots of dark brooding skies were included in our compositions.We had a very good lunch at The Smithfield Cafe and looked at the photos of the trip to Hoxa.Lots of variety from drowning moths ,rusty chains and a fisherman adding scale to a number of landscape shots.The project of "Young/Small and Beautiful" produced lots of animals and birds as well as some striking small watery landscapes.The next project is" Old /Ugly and Large". This doesn't just have to include people but buildings ,plants trees etc.I am sure you will come up with the goods as you all have been very good so far.I think we will look at these at the August get together as we will be busy in the July meeting.
The churches project was discussed.We have decided to have a selection meeting for choosing the photos.This will be Thursday 19th July at 2pm at Judy O'Connors's house .(I forgot my family are still here in residence when we made the original plan) Judy is at Coubister House which is about a mile out of Finstown on the Evie road .You turn down right and it is a big white two storey house on the right .I will ask her to give better instructions nearer the time we meet.PLEASE NOTE the changed day .
If you are coming, please bring your best shots,up to 8 on CD or Memory stick.If you wish to take part but can't be there please send the CD or memory stick to me or drop it in at Westbank.NO photos put in after the selection meeting will be included, so that is the final date for submissions.We will then select a mixture of photos,close up,detail, landscape, what ever to cover all the churches and all the participants.We will NOT be selecting every photo submitted so don't expect to see all your photos included.My plan is for approx 30 photos to be selected for showing but if there are obvious extras we will include them.
The photos selected will be then, I hope, be printed at A4 size and mounted.I would like the camera club members in our group to print and mount their own photos, please and I will do the rest .All photos must have a place where they were taken as well as a photographer's name on the back of the mounted print.As to the actual putting up the show I hope to get some help from among you to hang it on 8th August at 10 am.I hope all that is clear and that" Gathering Places, the Churches of the West Mainland " will be a credit to all of us in our little group.We will leave the exhibition up for a while so that it can be properly viewed.
So get out there and take more photos on sunnier /stormier days, if you wish, or include photos that you have taken before todays trip.But a max of eight photos only will be viewed and the first 8 on any stick or CD will be counted.We don't want to be trying to work out which your submissions are from 300 on your memory stick !
See all the Stroma party on Saturday.Please RE READ Hilary's email on what the format of the day is so you don't get wet/cold / hungry/or caught short with no money or camera.
Keep clicking,Tim
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