Welcome to Orkney Association of Youth Clubs
OAYC works to bring affiliated youth clubs together, assists in the formation of new clubs and provides training to support youth workers and volunteers within these clubs. The organisation also liaises with local statutory and voluntary bodies throughout Orkney to further it’s aims.

OAYC holds several large youth events on Mainland Orkney every year. These events are provided to bring all affiliated clubs in Orkney together and to allow young people from the more remote Island and rural parts of Orkney to participate in a wide range of events and activities they would not normally have access to.
To sustain it’s operation OAYC organises a range of fundraising events throughout the year. Each affiliated club participates in these events and makes an active contribution to the Association.
OAYC is managed by a voluntary committee made up of individuals from local affiliated youth clubs in Orkney. Each club nominates one person as their representative on the committee and this can be either a youth worker or youth club member.
The aim of Orkney Association Of Youth Clubs is to help young people in Orkney through leisure time and educational activities to develop their physical mental and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. OAYC does this by giving young people opportunities for enjoyable and constructive leisure time, enabling them to find new interests and to form effective relationships with other people. Encouraging them to organise and conduct these activities for themselves, thus learning to accept and handle responsibility.