23 November 2023
Into the Woods - tickets available - buy now

The team have been so darn busy rehearsing, creating set and costumes, sourcing props and all the other things that go into putting on a big musical like Into the Woods that we've been remiss in not sharing some of that excitement with you!

Here's a few shots of recent rehearsals taking place in what will be this year's performance venue, Stromness Academy - spot any familiar faces?

Don't forget to buy your tickets either - you can get yours from J B Rosey on Victoria Street in Stromness (open Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri-Sat) or anytime from Ticketsource: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/stromness-drama-club/e-kdaaka

Performances are Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th all starting at 7.30pm.

If you miss this show you will regret it...

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