
Job Matching & Vocational Profiling

A lot of work goes into getting to know a person to match them to the right job – it is not unusual to turn an employer down if the position being offered isn’t right for the individual. The vocational profile is not just a form-filling exercise, but is a process of identifying a person’s aspirations, personality, skills, experiences and so on. This is the key to achieving a high degree of job matching for an individual and an employer.

Job Analysis

This is not merely a job description. It is a thorough evaluation and analysis of the job. It describes all aspects, including the culture and norms particular to that environment. A job coach may be able to identify tasks that an employer had not initially thought of as being suitable or relevant to an existing job, but which could be ideal for the candidate. This is known as ‘job carving’.

Job Coaching

This refers to the support actually given to the individual. Support is individually tailored to suit the person, the employer and the workplace. As such, a job coach’s role is varied, but is likely to include:
  • Identifying standards required by the employer.
  • Identifying strategies to assist the individual to ‘learn’ their job, e.g. Training in Systematic Instruction.
  • Setting achievable, realistic goals for the individual.
  • Monitoring and review of individuals' progress.
  • The job coach is required to provide support that is appropriate, and to gradually withdraw one-to-one support in an appropriate manner and timescale.

Regular contact should be maintained with the employer and employee to monitor the process. Any issues or training needs can thus be identified and managed at an early stage.

A job coach can re-emerge to provide support at such times as the individual requires, e.g. in coming to terms with new tasks, a new routine or even new staff.

An additional role is to assist an individual to integrate socially in the workplace and with colleagues, and to identify colleagues who may ‘naturally support’ the individual.

 To use our service, or to obtain further details,
please phone Amy Thomson on 01856 876605


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